Perpetrator Studies Network


Waltzing with Bashir: Perpetrator Trauma and Cinema – Raya Morag

Waltzing with Bashir proposes a new paradigm for cinema trauma studies – the trauma of the perpetrator. Recognizing a current shift in interest from the trauma suffered by victims to that suffered by perpetrators, the book seeks to theorize this still under-studied field thus breaking the repression of this concept and phenomenon in psychoanalysis and…

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The Mark of Cain. Guilt and Denial in the Post-War Lives of Nazi Perpetrators – Katharina von Kellenbach

The Mark of Cain fleshes out a history of conversations that contributed to Germany’s coming to terms with a guilty past. Katharina von Kellenbach draws on letters exchanged between clergy and Nazi perpetrators, written notes of prison chaplains, memoirs, sermons, and prison publications to illuminate the moral and spiritual struggles of perpetrators after the war….

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The Holocaust, Fascism and Memory. Essays in the History of Ideas – Dan Stone

From interpretations of the Holocaust to fascist thought and anti-fascists’ responses, and the problems of memorializing this difficult past, this essay collection tackles topics which are rarely studied in conjunction. As well as historical analyses of fascist and anti-fascist thinking, Stone analyses the challenges involved in writing history in general and Holocaust historiography in particular….

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