Vonnegut, Kurt. “Mother Night” - 1962
Novel about the pre-trial confessions of a Nazi propaganda writer in 1961.
Waititi, Taika, dir. Jojo Rabbit - 2019Comedy depicting 10-year-old Hitler Youth member with imaginary Hitler as friend
Waller, James E. “The Ordinariness of Extraordinary Evil: the Making of Perpetrators of Genocide and Mass Killing” - 2008Waller offers a psychological explanation why ordinary people kill.
Weinberg, Mieczyslaw/Pountney, David. The Passenger - 2010An opera about the Holocaust
Welzer, Harald, et al. “Opa war kein Nazi”: Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust im Familiengedächtnis. - 2002German social psychologists on the communication of memory within families
Westerling, Raymond. Mijn Memoires… - 1952The memoirs of KNIL officer Raymond Westerling.
Wieviorka, Annette. The Witness in History. - 2006On the legitimization of Holocaust witness testimonies post-Eichmann trial.
Women Fighters in the “Islamic State” and Al-Qaeda in Iraq - 2016Comparative analysis of the inclusion of female fighters in ISIS and AQ in Iraq.
Wood, Nancy. Narrating Perpetrator Testimony - 1999Book chapter analysing different approaches to perpetrator testimony
Wosiewicz, Leszek, dir. Kornblumenblau - 1989A cinematographic commentary on dimensions of complicity in concentration camps