
The Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities
Through education, training, and technical assistance, The Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities (AIPG) supports States to develop or strengthen policies and practices for the prevention of genocide and other mass atrocities. AIPG also encourages and supports the cooperation of States through regional and international networks to advance prevention. More than…
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NEPAT – The Brazilian Center for Nazism and Holocaust Studies – is an independent and totally feminine student initiative of undergraduate, master and doctoral students in History at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. It is a group created, produced and headed only by women. We help promote education and research of Nazism and the…
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This research group has as its objective to promote the interdisciplinary study on the figure of the the perpetrator and the perpetration of acts of mass violence, particularly in the forms of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and terrorism. The project focuses on the cultural sphere (art, literature, popular and media culture) and maps…
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KZ-Gedenkstätte Mittelbau-Dora
Mittelbau-Dora is both a history museum and a historical crime scene. Traces and relics testify to the Nazi crimes as well as to changing approaches to dealing with the site’s past. What is more, Mittelbau-Dora is and remains a place for the mourning and commemoration of the victims. One of the chief aims of the…
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Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz Gedenk-und Bildungsstätte
Located at the site of the notorious Wannsee Conference of 20 January 1942, the House of the Wannsee Conference Memorial and Educational Site focuses on the conference and its significance for the process of planning the genocide of European Jews. The villa, a former guest house of the SS Security Service (SD) is a site of perpetrators. For…
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Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania
Institutul Naţional pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România “Elie Wiesel” (INSHR-EW). The Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania is a public institution under the supervision of the Romanian government. Established in 2005 following the recommendations of the International Commission for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania, it has played…
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The Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies
The Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies at the University of Miami provides an objective, in-depth exploration of the issues and trends which have affected the Jewish people over the last 100 years. The Center is engaged in outreach activities – such as lectures, conferences and symposia to which the public is…
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The International Nuremberg Principles Academy
The International Nuremberg Principles Academy (Nuremberg Academy) is dedicated to the promotion of international criminal justice and human rights. It is located in Nuremberg, the birthplace of modern international criminal law. Conscious of this historic heritage, the Nuremberg Academy supports the fight against impunity for universally recognized international core crimes: genocide, crimes against humanity, war…
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The European Association of History Educators (EUROCLIO) is an umbrella association of more than seventy history, heritage, and citizenship educators’ associations and other organizations active in the field. The organization was established in 1992 on request of the Council of Europe. Since then, EUROCLIO has worked in many European countries and beyond on a large…
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Center for Conflict Studies
The Center for Conflict Studies (CCS) is a central part of interdisciplinary collaboration and the study of peace and conflict at the Philipps University in Marburg. It was founded in February, 2001 and combines various teaching and research activities. At the MA level it offers two degrees, a German language MA in Friedens- und Konfliktforschung…
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