
Geographies of Perpetration: Re-Signifying Cultural Narratives of Mass Violence
By Brigitte E. Jirku and Vicente Sánchez-Biosca. This volume maps cultural representations of Mass Violence from the perpetrators’ perspective. It analyzes spaces where political crimes have been committed and how these places have undergone successive resemanticization in collective memories. The chapters comparatively examine scenes of Mass Violence carried out in very diverse regions of the…
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Aid Imperium: United States Foreign Policy and Human Rights in Post-Cold War Southeast Asia
By Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr. Does foreign aid promote human rights? As the world’s largest aid donor, the United States has provided foreign assistance to more than 200 countries. Deploying global numerical data on US foreign aid and comparative historical analysis of America’s post–Cold War foreign policies in Southeast Asia, Aid Imperiumprovides the most…
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I You We Them: Revealing the ‘desk killers’, perpetrators of crimes against humanity
By Dan Gretton. Vast and revelatory, Dan Gretton’s I You We Them is an unprecedented study of the perpetrators of crimes against humanity: the ‘desk killers’ who ordered and directed some of the worst atrocities of the modern era. From Albert Speer’s complicity in Nazi barbarism to cases of ecocide and the deaths of activists, Gretton shines…
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Show Time: The Logic and Power of Violent Display
By Lee Ann Fujii. In Show Time, Lee Ann Fujii asks why some perpetrators of political violence, from lynch mobs to genocidal killers, display their acts of violence so publicly and extravagantly. Closely examining three horrific and extreme episodes—the murder of a prominent Tutsi family amidst the genocide in Rwanda, the execution of Muslim men in a…
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Living in Death: Genocide and its Functionaries.
By Richard Rechtman. Translated by Lindsay Turner. Living in Death: Genocide and its Functionaries is the winner of the French Voices Award for excellence in publication and translation. When we speak of mass killers, we may speak of radicalized ideologues, mediocrities who only obey orders, or bloodthirsty monsters. Who are these men who kill on…
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Domestic Violence as State Crime: A Feminist Framework for Challenge and Change
By Evelyn Rose. Domestic Violence as State Crime presents a provocative challenge to the way that domestic violence is understood and addressed. Underpinned by a radical feminist perspective, the central argument of this book is that domestic violence against women constitutes a patriarchal state crime. By analysing the international, collective, structural, and institutional dimensions of this…
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Special issue of Papeles del CEIC: ‘Perpetrators of Mass Crimes in the Light of the Image. Looks, Identities, Testimonies.’
Edited by Vicente Sánchez-Biosca and Lior Zylberman. This special issue offers a contribution to the field of perpetrator studies based on the analysis of images. In particular, it contributes to the debate on the subject from, and based on cases from, Ibero-America. The issue features contributions by Mariana Giordano, Lior Zylberman, and Adriana Taboada, Eyleen…
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Täterforschung nach Auschwitz : John M. Steiners Untersuchungen (1962 bis 2014) : kann Wissen allein die Wiederholung verhindern?
By Jochen Fahrenberg. (Please note: the announced book below is written in German) The book is dedicated to the biography and academic bequest of John Michael Steiner – a Czech American sociologist born in Prague in 1925, died in Novato, California, in 2014. He survived Auschwitz and other concentration camps and is one of the…
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The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Mass Atrocity, and Genocide
By Sara E. Brown and Stephen D. Smith. The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Mass Atrocity, and Genocide explores the many and sometimes complicated ways in which religion, faith, doctrine, and practice intersect in societies where mass atrocity and genocide occur. This volume is intended as an entry point to questions about mass atrocity and genocide that…
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Torture, Humiliate, Kill: Inside the Bosnian Serb Camp System
By Hikmet Karčić . Half a century after the Holocaust, on European soil, Bosnian Serbs orchestrated a system of concentration camps where they subjected their Bosniak Muslim and Bosnian Croat neighbors to torture, abuse, and killing. Foreign journalists exposed the horrors of the camps in the summer of 1992, sparking worldwide outrage. This exposure, however,…
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