
Fascists in Exile: Post-War Displaced Persons in Australia
By Jayne Persian. Fascists in Exile tells the extraordinary story of the war criminals, collaborators and fascist ultranationalists who were resettled in Australia by the International Refugee Organisation between 1947 and 1952. It explores the far-right backgrounds and continuing political activism of these displaced persons in Australia, adding to our knowledge of the development of Australian…
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Interpreting Violence: Narrative, Ethics and Hermeneutics
Edited By Cassandra Falke, Victoria Fareld, Hanna Meretoja. Representations of violence surround us in everyday life – in news reports, films and novels – inviting interpretation and raising questions about the ethics of viewing or reading about harm done to others. How can we understand the processes of meaning-making involved in interpreting violent events and…
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Safe Haven: The United Kingdom’s Investigations into Nazi Collaborators and the Failure of Justice
By John Silverman and Robert Sherwood. The controversial 1991 War Crimes Act gave new powers to courts to try non-British citizens resident in the UK for war crimes committed during WWII. But in spite of the extensive investigative and legal work that followed, and the expense of some GBP11 million, it led to just one…
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Invisible Atrocities: The Aesthetic Biases of International Criminal Justice
By Randle C. DeFalco. This book explores the ways aesthetic considerations shape how international crimes are recognized and categorized. It identifies a dominant aesthetic model of atrocities as horrific spectacles and identifies various forms of mass violence, from the enforcement of famine conditions to socio-economic oppression, that fail to conform to this model. International criminal…
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Romania’s Holy War: Soldiers, Motivation, and the Holocaust
By Grant T. Harward. Romania’s Holy War rights the widespread myth that Romania was a reluctant member of the Axis during World War II. In correcting this fallacy, Grant T. Harward shows that, of an estimated 300,000 Jews who perished in Romania and Romanian-occupied Ukraine, more than 64,000 were, in fact, killed by Romanian soldiers. Moreover, the Romanian…
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Critical Approaches to Genocide: History, Politics and Aesthetics of 1915
Edited By Hülya Adak, Fatma Müge Göçek, Ronald Grigor Suny. The study of genocide has been appropriate in emphasizing the centrality of the Holocaust yet other preceding episodes of mass violence are of great significance. Taking a transnational and transhistorical approach, this volume redresses and replaces the silencing of the Armenian Genocide. Scholarship relating to the history of…
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Perpetration and Complicity under Nazism and Beyond: Compromised Identities?
Edited by Stephanie Bird, Mary Fulbrook, Stefanie Rauch, and Bastiaan Willems. This edited collection analyses perpetration and complicity under National Socialism and beyond. Contributions reflect on self-understandings, representations and narratives of involvement in collective violence both at the time and later – a topic that remains highly relevant today. Using the notion of ‘compromised identities’…
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European Fascist Movements: A Sourcebook
Edited by Roland Clark, Tim Grady. This volume offers a fresh and original collection of primary sources on interwar European fascist movements. These sources reflect new approaches to fascism that emphasise the practical, transnational experience of fascism as a social movement, contextualising ideological statements within the historical moments they were produced. Divided into 18 geographically based…
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Writing Violence: The Politics of Form in Early Modern Japanese Literature
By David C. Atherton. Edo-period Japan was a golden age for commercial literature. A host of new narrative genres cast their gaze across the social landscape, probed the realms of history and the fantastic, and breathed new life into literary tradition. But how to understand the politics of this body of literature remains contested, in part…
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Täterforschung nach Auschwitz: John Steiners Untersuchungen
Edited by Anne and Jochen Fahrenberg. John Michael Steiner war ein tschechisch-amerikanischer Soziologe. Er wurde 1925 in einer deutschsprachigen Familie in Prag geboren und, noch als Schüler, im Jahr 1942 inhaftiert und wie seine Eltern in Konzentrationslager gebracht: Theresienstadt, dann Auschwitz-Birkenau und Außenlager Blechhammer. Seine drastischen Erfahrungsberichte “Sklavenarbeit in der Fabrik für synthetisches Benzin Blechhammer”;…
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