Rothberg, Michael. “Memory and Implication at the Limits of the Human: A Response to Nathan Snaza” - 2017
Response to Snaza’s “Posthuman(ist) Education and the Banality of Violence”
Rothberg, Michael. “Multidirectional Memory and the Implicated Subject. On Sebald and Kentridge” - 2013Essay on the relation between ‘implicated subject’ and ‘multidirectional memory’
Rothberg, Michael. The Implicated Subject: Beyond Victims and Perpetrators - 2019A theory of implication
Rowland, Anthony. “Reading the Female Perpetrator” - 2013Essay on representations of Female Nazi perpetrators in certain novels and films
Ruben, Joseph, dir. The Ottoman Lieutenant (2017) - 2017American-Turkish propaganda film denying the Armenian genocide.
Ruzowitzky, Stefan, dir. Das radikal Böse - 2013Documentary about the Nazi Einsatzgruppen, based on Browning's Ordinary Men
Saltzman, Lisa. “‘Avant-Garde and Kitsch’ Revisited: On the Ethics of Representation.” - 2001Chapter on the ethics of the Mirroring Evil exhibition
Salvi, Valentina. ‘We’re All Victims’: Changes in the Narrative of ‘National Reconciliation’ in Argentina – 2015 - 2015Reflection on how the Argentine military employs cultural memory today
Sansal, Boualem. An Unfinished Business - 2010Multidirectional narrative exploring the guilt felt by sons of an SS officer
Sanyal, Debarati. Memory and Complicity: Migrations of Holocaust Remembrance - 2015Investigates French and francophone sites of traumatic memory