Reicher, Stephen, Alexander Haslam, and Arthur G. Miller. What Makes a Person a Perpetrator? - 2014
Critical discussion of the Milgram experiments
Reicher, Stephen; Alexander Haslam and Rakshi Rath. “Making a Virtue of Evil” - 2008Essay on development of collective hate
Rich, David. Law and Accountability, Secrecy and Guilt. - 2022Complex collaborator cases during 1960s Soviet "second wave" trials.
Ricoeur, Paul. The ethics of collective memory and forgetting - 2004Chapter that examines the complex dynamics and ethics of collective forgetting.
Ristić, Katarina. “The Media Negotiations of War Criminals and Their Memoirs” - 2018Article on ICTY memoirs and their media portrayals
Rithy Panh, dir. The Missing Picture (L’image manquante) - 2013Cambodia's Khmer Rouge atrocities between 1975 and 1979.
Robbins, Bruce. Some of My Best Friends Are Zionists. - 2013Bruce Robbins' documentary asks how people have changed their minds about Israel
Rosen, Alan. Autobiography from the Other Side: the Reading of Nazi Memoirs and Confessional Ambiguity - 2001Article on reader responses to Nazi memoirs
Rothberg, Michael. “Trauma Theory, Implicated Subjects, and the Question of Israel/Palestine.” - 2014Rothberg's short essay links trauma, implication, and a case study.
Rothberg, Michael. “Beyond Tancred and Clorinda: Trauma Studies for Implicated Subjects”. - 2013Preface discussing the connection between implication and trauma theory