Perpetrator Studies Network


Nemes, László, dir. Son of Saul

In Son of Saul we follow Saul, a member of a Sonderkommando in Auschwitz, for two days in 1944. The film probes the possibilities and limits of resistance and agency within the camp system and is generally seen as an illustration of what Primo Levi has described as the “gray zone”. It tells the story of Saul, who is trying to arrange a secret burial for a dead boy who he thinks is his son. Saul’s mission to arrange the burial coincides with the planning of the uprising of the Sonderkommando at the time when the camp is on the verge of being dissolved. The film is based on historical events and documents, but the characters are fictional. The film was highly acclaimed and received several awards, including the Oscar. Its cinematpgraphy has been described as innovative and unique.

László Nemes, dir. Son of Saul. Laokoon Filmgroup, 2015.