Launch of Alexander Hinton’s Anthropological Witness
The next event in the PSN Book Launch series, on 19 January 2023 at 16.00 CET, is the discussion of Alexander L. Hinton’s Anthropological Witness: Lessons from the Khmer Rouge Tribunal (Cornell UP, 2022).
Can scholars who serve as expert witnesses effectively contribute to international atrocity crimes tribunals where the focus is on legal guilt as opposed to academic explanation? What does the answer to this question say more generally about academia and the public sphere? Anthropological Witness tells the story of Hinton’s encounter with an accused architect of genocide and, more broadly, Hinton’s attempt to navigate the promises and perils of expert testimony.
The respondents will be Richard Wilson and Sabah Carrim.
The event will be moderated by Ronald Niezen.
This event will take place online, on Zoom. Please register via this link:
The series is organized by Susanne Knittel and Timothy Williams.